Kaelyn has been a bundle of joy as well as a bit of a toot lately. Everyday is an adventure that is fun and keeps us on our toes. She has made the transition to a big girl bed very well. We ended up having to rig up a side rail, but it works well. She did great for two nights and then the next night she fell out twice. Poor baby. I felt bad, but problem fixed now. She has decided to test me a bit though and has climbed out of her bed and gotten a toy or her shoes and runs straight back to bed. Too little to know that mommy can figure that out easily when she wakes up with shoes on or is caught throwing a ball out of her bed. She is sneaky though and hardly makes any noise now once I put her to bed. The other issue is her taking off her pj's and diaper every night. I have come to discover that she is sweaty lots, so I can't get too mad, but it still requires having to go in and put them back on before I go to bed. Otherwise she wakes up cold and or wet. There is always an adventure.
We are having a blast with all of the things that she comes up with to say. She is talking so much. I love it when she asks, "how you doin day?" She says,"help you" for help me, and loves to tell us who things belong to. "Mommy's cup, daddy's chair". Today she was talking about Wyoming. Today while I was fixing her hair, she said, "more, more" I asked more what, and she said "more daddy" She wanted her daddy home. She is also really into noises. "Hear dat, mommy? Choo train" or "airplane" or "uh oh, what's that" or "daddy's home!!" It is so cute.
She has become a bit of a stinker though when it comes to doing what mommy or daddy says. She has started flailing some and screaming and running the other way when she is asked to do something. It is a bit frustrating I must say, but she wouldn't be a normal kiddo is this didn't happen though. It is teaching me to be sensitive to what is important to her and teaching us better to communicate. The time out chair is a common occurance right now. This to will pass. Along with it though as come a purposeful "I am going to find another place to pee instead of the potty" situation. She knows when she needs to go and goes to other specific places to do her deed now. We were doing so well. It will click soon. I hope that having daddy home consistantly will help this along. I think that is enough for one post.

which ball should I throw first

Kaelyn loves to get in her rocking chair and read. Her favorite book to read is her "Bible stories" That blesses our hearts so much. She has been talking about the things God made and about baby Moses in the basket. Too precious.

Yes, I let my daughter play with pins. Crazy I know, but she wanted to help me while I was sewing and this kept her occupied for a long time instead of her being in my lap while I was trying to run the sewing machine. She felt like she was helping because mommy was using the pins too.

Dress up has become lots of fun lately. Don't you love the outfit. She loves her "ballet" costumes.

Miss cool sitting at her table.

Just lounging around. She looked so cute today and I just wanted to squeeze her onry self all day long if she would let me. Growing up too fast, but each step is soooo much fun.

Cute stuff

"Look it mommy, look it" She has decided that coloring on herself is more fun than on paper. Well, she knows otherwise, but that didn't stop her from looking at mommy to see if I was looking before she took the marker to her face. She said "uh oh" as soon as she noticed I saw what she was doing.
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