Monday, February 25, 2008

9 Months

So, our little precious girl is continuing to grow up. How does that happen? Everyday is something new and wonderful. She is now 9 months old and counting. She loves to "talk" and make tons of cute sounds. Pupa (puppy) is still her only official word, but boy does she have a lot of wonderful things to say. Her favorite thing to do right now is hold your hands and walk. She gets so excited sometimes that she falls down. If you let go of one of her hands, she reaches for you and and looks at us like we have done her wrong. "What are you thinking mom and dad. I have to have that hand to go anywhere, so give it back now." It is so cute. She pats her hand on her mouth like an indian. She is finally cutting her two top teeth. She eats almost everything in site, and is delightful in all regards. She only gets cranky when she is really tired or hungry, oh, and when she has had enough of her car seat. Otherwise, she just loves to play.
  We have had some beautiful weather lately and got the chance to go to the zoo a couple of times.  We went with my mom, sister and kids first and then got to go up to Tulsa and visit my cousin Steph and daughter Nicole.  There we went to the Tulsa zoo.  We had lots of fun.



Friday, February 08, 2008

Cute Videos

Friday, February 01, 2008

Brushing her Teeth

Gammy, you should be proud.
