Friday, April 11, 2008

Getting too cute and smart for her britches

Kaelyn has loved her animals. She is not afraid of them at all and they are good to her. Ringo used to not like her, but he has decided that she is ok now and lets her play with him.

So, Kaelyn is already trying to dress herself. It was so cute that I caught her doing this today. She has been trying to put shoes on her doll and she even tries to put my shoes on her feet. It is too cute. She even new to open the sock to try and put it on. The toe kept flapping in the way though when she would try to put it on. I have not tried to teach her how to do this. She decided to work at it herself.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Just Being Cute

Enjoying her food as always

I turned her seat around and she loves it.  She can now see me in the rear view mirror

Myriad Gardens.  I wanted to get some other pics with just her, but she was tired and scared of the waterfall, so she wouldn't let me put her down.  As soon as we got outside, she wanted down.  Silly girl.  

Here are our cute friends.  Camden

Avery and Zaine.  We have some great friends

Eating a snack in the living room

Playing with the goats under the table

Don't you love the hair and the milk mustache.  She took her pigtails out.

Reverting back to her tiny days.  She actually likes the swing now.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

10 1/2 months

Always getting bigger.  In the last couple of weeks, Kaelyn has started putting her shapes in the shaped holes on her bucket.  This morning was the first time that she was able to do more than the circle.  She actually put the star in the right spot and it went through.  She was very happy.  It is so cute cause she gets frustrated when the shapes don't fit.  I guess it won't be long before she has them figured out.  She is also doing a very fabulous job working on her walking.  She has been walking with us holding onto one hand.  She loves to work at it.  She has also been starting to stand freely more often.  Only for a few seconds at a time, but I notice her doing it a few times a day.  Maybe it won't be long before she has it mastered.  She is starting to learn the concept behind sign language.  We are working on her dinner time manners cause when she wants more she gets really loud and screams.  Now that we are working on it, she is starting to point at food that she wants without making noise and she is also occasionally doing her "more" sign with her fingers.  She gets so happy when she does it.  It is so cute.  

Daddy got to come home on Tuesday and stayed through Thursday morning.  Kaelyn certainly seems to love her daddy.   It used to be that in the morning when she would come and play in our bed, she only wanted to be with mommy and ran from daddy.  Now when daddy comes home, she just wants to play with daddy.  It makes us both so happy that she really wants to be with him now.  

Kaelyn is definitely trying to talk a whole lot.  She makes tons of different sounds.  Her words still include momma, daddy, pup, nanana (food), milk (mamamama).  What more can we say, she is such a delight to us.  She us full of personality, spunk, and joy.  She loves hard and loves to be expressive.  We love you baby girl.