Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Big Girl Bed

Kaelyn has done great transitioning into her toddler bed. We took the crib rail off on Monday and she has stayed in her bed now for two nap times and one night time. She is on her second night time right now, and is not asleep yet, but is in her bed. Yeah!!! I thought this was going to be soooo much harder. I hope she keeps this up. Here bed doesn't have a rail on it, but she seems to be doing well with it. We thought we would give it a test last night before we invested in one. She has done great so far. We will get one if we need it though.


Pinto's said...

She's doing all kinds of big girl things! What a cutie!

Kristin's Blog said...

That is why we are getting rid of Charlie's crib...no rails! Kaelyn is doing so well! What a big girl!