Sunday, September 21, 2008

She can say her Name

Kaelyn said her first and last name today. I was trying to get her to coroporate with something and so I was using her full name. Next thing I know she is saying "Kayin Gurmin". It was too cute. And then she counted to ten two times while we were playing with a mancala board. She skips out on seven but belts out eight and gets all excited when she says ten.

Another cute thing was that she was coloring a picture yesterday and when she was done she came into the kitchen and put it in the trash can, opened the drawer with the towels in it and then started scrubing the floor with it and then proceeded to wipe of her table and then unfortunately her nose. Yum yum. She certainly is an imetater. And she has started to crawl around like different animals and makes animal noises. I love it because it is a game she will let me play with her.


Allison said...

She is so cute. Little talker and cleaner-upper

Book Worm said...

I love these latest posts and really can't wait to get to see her in person. Lucy sounds like she's going to enjoy her "Smart Blonde" friend. I had to teach her "Smart Blonde" today to make sure she knows it when people ask her about her hair. None of this dumb blonde nonsense for our girls!