Friday was an amazing day for Kaelyn. When Kevin came home from Lawton, Kaelyn saw him at the door and started saying daddy, daddy, daddy really loud and running toward the door. She gave him a huge hug and kisses. She has never done this before to either of us when we come home from being gone any amount of time. It was so very precious. She used to just snub us when we came home as to say, "I'll teach you to leave me again".
The other amazing thing that she did on this fabulous Friday was count to 6 almost all by herself. I don't even remember what it was that we were counting, but I said one, then she said one, two, I said three and then out of the blue she said three, four, five, six. She had only ever said one two before and all of our counting books only go up to five, so I have no idea how she learned six. They pick up things so stinkin fast.
She has been working with Grammy doing a cute song with actions called Teddy Bear. I had done it with her maybe two times before and when we did it this weekend, she did all of the hand motions. it was too cute. I am going to try and get it on video soon. We love our onry cute toot. That is all for now.

She looks too grown up in this pic. She is sporting her new recycled wool shorties I experiment with making.

I also made some flannel fitted diapers. I like them a lot.

Love the open mouth before the bite is even on the spoon.

I know, maybe not appropriate, but this is after her bath running around with her lion towel on her head and for some reason carrying a Supernanny book. She was having lots of fun.

checking out the cute baby lions at the zoo. They are starting to get big now and were playing lots, putting their paws on the glass.
I acutally clicked on your picture to see if those were recycled shorties before I read that you mentioned them. Good job! I really like them and the fitted looks fabulous! Very nice. We've actually thrown the towel in on Cdiapers the past 2 months as we are in between sizes and nothing is bulletproof against Trigg. I do have a little package to send you so keep an eye out for it. I'm waiting for things to cool off a little bit so some of it won't melt. Your cute toot certainly is just that. Thank you for the new pictures She's beautiful. I remember when Lucy surprised me with counting. Get ready! This will be the beginning of the 'braniac' stage. She's going to blow your mind with what she learns between now and Christmas. Miss you! this is long enough to be an email.
Wow Kaelyn! You're some mathematician at only 15 months. Very smart and cute too!
that's so cool you made the diapers! and cute, cute pictures! i agree with amy, wait for her to blow your mind. it's amazing how fast they learn.
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