Sunday, June 01, 2008

Please and Thank you

We were all out and about and Kaelyn saw some pepermint candies. She has never had them, but they looked good to her, so she started doing her "more" sign and then pointing to herself and saying me, then pointing at the pepermints. We certainly weren't going to give them to her, so daddy said, "I will only give them to you if you say please", not thinking that this would even be possible and not really looking for any other response than her saying "more". Well, what do you know, the next thing she did was say "ease". Well, since he said he would if she said it, we had to give her the mint. He broke it in pieces and she sucked away at it. Then he asked her to say thank you, and she did. We will have to see if she keeps this up. I kind of like that. We will have to be more careful though about our offers these days.


Pinto's said...

Wow! How exciting! She is a smart girl!

Amanda Fortney said...

that's so funny. isn't it the cutest when they say please and thank you?