Our poor cute toot just had to have her first needed dose of antibiotics. She had a runny nose for a few days and then she got a pretty good case of croup. I almost had to run her to the ER at one point because she was gasping for air. It was pretty scary, but thank God for helping me to think half way straight and get me to put her in the shower and she was much better in a couple of minutes. So, we went to the dr.'s office a little while after this and got some steroids and found out that she had a double ear infection as well hence the antibiotics. Being a PICU and hearing your daughter with significant stridor is double scary. We got through it though and she is sooo much better now. A little bit of a cough and runny nose. Antibiotics seem to be really rough on her belly though. She doesn't want to eat much, so please pray that her body will tolerate the meds better each day and that we can figure out what would be appetizing to her upset belly.
On a brighter note, Kaelyn has been doing awesome with the potty training. Today we only had 2 accidents and one of those was while we were swimming. We have our good days and bad days, but she is making great progress and is a good sport about it. I am learning her cues better too, so we are having fun. I certainly am enjoying not having to do much laundry. At night time though, Kaelyn is leaking out of almost everything. She leaks out of pampers and her fuzzibunz and is soaked. The only thing that we have found to keep her from waking up in a swimming pool is to cover whatever diaper we put in with a wool cover. I have come to really appreciate wool. For those of you who may not know, wool is waterproof, antimicrobial, does not hold odors, breaths well, and has many very soft kinds. I always thought of wool as scratchy, but now that I have been introduced to different kinds, I have fallen in love with it. So, we use wool now as diaper covers. The covers can either be like what you would think of as a cover, as shorts or as pants. Here are a couple of pics that I like of them. It took a little getting used too, in our age of disposable diapers, but now I love wool and wanted to share it with others.

Kaelyn in her wool soaker we got from our great cloth diapering friend Amy. They were a little big here, but still did their job.

another comfy wool soaker

cute wool shorties. They come in so many different cute styles.

Wool Longies.

another cute pair of wool shorties.