Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Well, Kaelyn has done some crazy things in the last few days that I have forgotten to divuldge. When we went to New York, my cell phone stopped working, can't remember if it was from Kaelyn dropping it or ir getting wet somehow. When we got home, I got a new phone and low and behold, 3 days later, Kaelyn decides that it needs to go swimming in mommy's glass of water. This one turns on, but the keys don't work. So, onto another phone we go. These things don't come cheap. She is not allowed to touch it now. Oh, and yes Rachel, I have lost your number once again. I feel like an awful friend. I guess I should write it down somewhere safe so I won't lose it again.

Next, no meal seems complete without a new hairdo. Kaelyn's sweet messy hands seem to always find their way in her hair and form a beautiful crusty updo. So much for a bath every other day. We also are battling throwing the cup on the floor. She knows that she is not supposed too, but is getting good at testing mom and dad. Several times today I got after her about it and twice I spanked her hand. After each smack on the hand guess what she did. She smiled at me and laughed. That got it's point across didn't it. It is all we can do to not laugh at the reaction, but we know that the buck has to stop here. Teaching children right from wrong sure is going to be a grand adventure and keep us on our toes.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Kaelyn is getting so big, I can't believe she's walking! And what is it about phones? Jack loves throwing mine in the bath tub! Silly babies!