We had a wonderful birthday party last weekend for Kaelyn. She had a great time playing with her cousins and getting lots of attention. We had our family and the Bilbrey's came as well. Kaelyn blew out her candle on her cake and ate her whole piece. YUM YUM!!! She got some wonderful gifts: a pool, lots of books, a bouncy horse, a doll, and a few other fun things. She of course made a mess of herself, so we enjoyed most of the party in our diaper. We got to use our back porch which was such a blessing and the weather was perfect. Thank you to everyone who made the day special.
Kaelyn also decided on her birthday to enjoy walking. She started getting herself up in the middle of floor and it very rapidly became her way of getting around. She cut a tooth too. Kevin was home for the weekend and she started saying dada with intention. It was so sweet.
I will try and get her blowing out her candle soon

Helping mom and dad get ready for the party

Fun cake!! Kevin and I put our heads together and came up with this.

Kaelyn loves getting in and out of her chair

We turned the ball pit into a pool

Checking out her balloons

Enjoying Dinner

Micah, Gary, Papa, and Caroline

Leslie, Kaelyn, and Grammy

Nana, Daddy and Aunt Christin

Lounging in the birthday seat before the cake arrived

hmhmhm good!!!

What is it?

It's a book!!!

I really wish we could have come (we were in Dallas)! Looks like you guys had fun!
OMG belated congrats little girl!! I love her doggie birthday cake! she looks soooo cute with the new earings too! aww..
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