Doesn't she look so pretty.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
New Pretties for the Pretty Girl
On Monday, we got Kaelyn's ears pierced. She looks soooo pretty with them, not that she wasn't pretty before, but we love the earrings. She did an awesome job too. Kevin held her and she was so still. She just let the lady at Claires do her job. She just went "oh" after the first one and held still for the second. She cried after the second one, but it seemed that it was just because she was mad that we did it twice. She pretty much leaves them along thankfully.
Waiting and playing with the jewelry in the store
sitting so still while she marks her ears
Here goes ear #1 What a good girl. She is just thinking "what is she doing"
A little more hesitant with the second one, but still held still

Doesn't she look so pretty.
Doesn't she look so pretty.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Owies and fevers
On Monday, Kaelyn went to the dr for her 1 year check up. She weighed in at 23 lbs 4 oz (75-90%), 28.5 in (25%) and her head is in the 90th percentile. Thank you Germanns for the big smart heads. She is doing very well. She had to get 2 shots and have her finger poked to test her iron level. She didn't even cry when they poked her finger and cried for about 5 seconds after the two shots. What a big girl. Well, we got home and she started running a fever. I didn't think much of it cause I figured it was from the shots. In the middle of the night, she woke up and her temp was 103. I was a little concerned, but was still attributing it to the shots. 48 hrs later she was still running a 102 temp, so I called the dr. He told us to come on in. She had decreased breath sounds on one side and he said it was either early pneumonia, bronchiolitis, or roseola. So we started Kaelyn's first antibiotic. 48 hrs later, the fever was gone and she broke out in a rash all over her upper body. Roseola it is!! I was glad cause that meant we got to stop the anitbiotic. Her lungs sound great now, and she is finally a happy camper. That bug is out of the way now.
Happy Birthday Party
We had a wonderful birthday party last weekend for Kaelyn. She had a great time playing with her cousins and getting lots of attention. We had our family and the Bilbrey's came as well. Kaelyn blew out her candle on her cake and ate her whole piece. YUM YUM!!! She got some wonderful gifts: a pool, lots of books, a bouncy horse, a doll, and a few other fun things. She of course made a mess of herself, so we enjoyed most of the party in our diaper. We got to use our back porch which was such a blessing and the weather was perfect. Thank you to everyone who made the day special.
Kaelyn also decided on her birthday to enjoy walking. She started getting herself up in the middle of floor and it very rapidly became her way of getting around. She cut a tooth too. Kevin was home for the weekend and she started saying dada with intention. It was so sweet.
I will try and get her blowing out her candle soon
Helping mom and dad get ready for the party

Fun cake!! Kevin and I put our heads together and came up with this.
Kaelyn loves getting in and out of her chair
We turned the ball pit into a pool
Checking out her balloons
Enjoying Dinner
Micah, Gary, Papa, and Caroline
Leslie, Kaelyn, and Grammy 
Nana, Daddy and Aunt Christin
Lounging in the birthday seat before the cake arrived

hmhmhm good!!!

What is it?
It's a book!!!

Kaelyn also decided on her birthday to enjoy walking. She started getting herself up in the middle of floor and it very rapidly became her way of getting around. She cut a tooth too. Kevin was home for the weekend and she started saying dada with intention. It was so sweet.
I will try and get her blowing out her candle soon
Nana, Daddy and Aunt Christin
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Somebody is 1 Year Old
Happy Birthday to our precious baby girl!! It is hard to believe that a year has passed already, but boy has it been full and wonderful. Kaelyn has been the most fabulous blessing we could ever have imagined. We have grown so much with her. Thank You God for every minute!!! She has been working so hard the last couple of days on her walking and we could almost call her an offical toddler. We had fun taking these pics the other day, so enjoy.

Thursday, May 08, 2008
Having Fun
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Well, Kaelyn has done some crazy things in the last few days that I have forgotten to divuldge. When we went to New York, my cell phone stopped working, can't remember if it was from Kaelyn dropping it or ir getting wet somehow. When we got home, I got a new phone and low and behold, 3 days later, Kaelyn decides that it needs to go swimming in mommy's glass of water. This one turns on, but the keys don't work. So, onto another phone we go. These things don't come cheap. She is not allowed to touch it now. Oh, and yes Rachel, I have lost your number once again. I feel like an awful friend. I guess I should write it down somewhere safe so I won't lose it again.
Next, no meal seems complete without a new hairdo. Kaelyn's sweet messy hands seem to always find their way in her hair and form a beautiful crusty updo. So much for a bath every other day. We also are battling throwing the cup on the floor. She knows that she is not supposed too, but is getting good at testing mom and dad. Several times today I got after her about it and twice I spanked her hand. After each smack on the hand guess what she did. She smiled at me and laughed. That got it's point across didn't it. It is all we can do to not laugh at the reaction, but we know that the buck has to stop here. Teaching children right from wrong sure is going to be a grand adventure and keep us on our toes.
Next, no meal seems complete without a new hairdo. Kaelyn's sweet messy hands seem to always find their way in her hair and form a beautiful crusty updo. So much for a bath every other day. We also are battling throwing the cup on the floor. She knows that she is not supposed too, but is getting good at testing mom and dad. Several times today I got after her about it and twice I spanked her hand. After each smack on the hand guess what she did. She smiled at me and laughed. That got it's point across didn't it. It is all we can do to not laugh at the reaction, but we know that the buck has to stop here. Teaching children right from wrong sure is going to be a grand adventure and keep us on our toes.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
She is on the move
Kaelyn has just about gotten this walking thing down. She is so silly cause she has been able to walk holding onto one hand for a couple months now, but has refused to let go. Whenever we would let go, she would stand there and scream and then plop down on the ground. Now she walks in between Kevin and I very well, but I don't think walking will become her thing until she figures out how to stand in the middle of the floor on her own. She tried working at it today, but has a bit more to figure out there. She looks so cute toddling around. Other cute things: She has been clicking her tongue today as you will see in the video. She continues to love her puppy. When she awoke from her nap the other day, he was buried under her blanket and she had to find him before she wanted to get out. She also greatly enjoys some beaded necklaces that I got her. She loves to put them on and off and she says "pretty". She said fishy and light today.
Sorry, the videos aren't working today. Check back later!!
Happy place in the sandbox with my new found friend, my necklace, and of course my milk Surrounded by her stuffed animal friends. She pulled them all out of the craddle. Yes, she has a big bruise on her head. She fell into a chair leg. Ouch!!
Then she wanted to read to her animals, well, at least that is how it looks.
Cuddling with her puppy
Sorry, the videos aren't working today. Check back later!!
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