Kaelyn can not sit still for very long anymore and mommy has to chase her around the house all day. Her cutest new trick is for her to get me to chase her around the house. She gets going so fast laughing all the way and then she will stop so that I will tickle her. Oh, it melts my heart. She is also greatly enjoying crawling into the bathroom so she can be close to her bathtub. I guess I need to start closing doors.
Meal times have gotten a bit tricky because Kaelyn has decided to get a bit picky. If she doesn't like something, she won't spit it out, but she will make lots of noise to let you know. Daddy was not enjoying this and took charge and made her go into time out in her crib. All the while I am sitting here trying to tell myself that it will be ok, this will not scar her, we can find something else to eat in a few minutes after daddy leaves for work. Well, daddy brought her back to the table and she started screaming again when she got a bite, so daddy repeated the process. Same results so, daddy feeds her a bit of something else and then heads off to work. I change Kaelyn's diaper and she throws a huge fit and then we go back to the table. I just wanted to see what would happen. I gave her a bite and she grabs the spoon. She wimpers a bit from the bite, but she now has control of the spoon. So I put her in her chair with a bowl and the spoon and she works at feeding herself and enjoys the chicken and rice that she so very much was hating a few minutes ago. She ate the entire jar without a complaint. Lesson learned for mom, she was just throwing a fit and daddy was doing what was best, lesson for both of us, Kaelyn likes to be able to feed herself sometimes. Already trying to be independant. I think we're in trouble, but in an exciting and fun way.
Last one for now. The last few days when Kevin has gotten home, Kaelyn has started laughing and crawling to him for him to pick her up. What a joy that is to see. Now daddy knows that he is loved and special in her eyes.
Thanks Grandma Jody for the hat.
Feeding herself carrots (a new love)

1 comment:
The funniest story is when she was tackling Charlie trying to take his chip! She was determined to take it!!
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