So, our cute toot has been up to a lot of learning these days, both good and bad. The good is that she has master most any animal noise we can think of and imitate. She has started to pretend to be animals which is so much fun. The best is when she comes out of the bath with her lion towel and walks around roaring and then laughing. She loves reading her books, more by herself than with mommy or daddy, but that is ok for now. She continues to aquire new tastes and food is always a plus around here. If she doesn't eat well it most often means that she is sick or that she is stressed. We have occasionally had the battle of wills but have learned that a time or two in time out fixes it very quickly.
Kaelyn is finding more and more ways to entertain herself as well, her favorite being a tub of beans and things to pour them into. Putting things in and out is the most interesting thing for her now. She has also figured out how to get the water dispensor on the fridge to work. Thank goodness for the built in lock system. Same goes for the buttons on the washer and dryer and the dishwasher.
She has gotten to spend lots of time with some friends over the past two weeks, at mom's group and our new Bible study. At the Bible study, she would go outside and play and after a few minutes, would walk back in and find me, give me a hug, say momma, momma, and then go back outside and play. She just wanted to know that I was still there. She is very afraid of me leaving right now. Whenever Grammy comes by or we go and see her, Kaelyn gets very clingy and doesn't want much to do with Grammy. If I budge from my spot, especially if I go anywhere near the door, she starts to cry or whine. Tender time right now for her.
Let's see, what else has happened in the last two weeks for our Kaelyn. She has enjoyed so much getting to see daddy lots lately. She still has her days where she wants mommy instead, but she doesn't cry if I leave and she is with dad. In the video you can see what they have been upto.
We had two days of no accidents, but that didn't last long. Right now, there seems to be a potty protest, but oh well, give it a little time and tender love and hopefully the wheels will turn back around. Enjoy the pics.

Itsy Bitsy Spider, her favorite song

So innocent

She loves feeding her animals

Watching the ducks at Hafer Park

Now, she has started a new trend, arm and face painting with the finger painting. Boy was that a mess to clean up. Thankfully the paint washed out of the clothes. Time for painting aprons.

Bubble baths are always fun with daddy

She looks so grown up doing the dishes