Boy oh boy have we been having fun or what. Kaelyn is just growing and growing and enjoying life more and more everyday. At her 6 month check up, she weighed in at 16 lbs 4 oz and was 25 1/4 inches tall. She is a shorty, but I like her that way. Kaelyn loves to eat and still only has rejected avacados. Everytime we add something new and interesting, she loves it. She says DADADADADADa all the time these days. An mmmmm sound comes out only when she is mad. Her new favorite thing to do is crawl in our laps and tug at our pant legs to get us to pick her up. She is beginning to do the real crawl more often these days except when she is really excited about getting somewhere and she goes to town with her inch worm crawling screeching as she goes. It is so cute. She still is thrilled about her bath time. She loves to bang her toes on things and slap the ground and try to lay on her puppy, Ringo. She "sings" when she plays her piano and loves to get ahold of anything that we have in our hands. She is definitely a mommas girl, but as long as momma is not in the room, she is happy with most other people. Poor daddy, his day will come soon. At least she says dada. We are just in love with our baby girl. Enjoy the cute pics and videos.
1. just mommy having fun with the computer and pictures
2. Playing with her puppies and the grass
3. same
4. I love drinking from mommy and daddy's cup. This water was cold, but it was sooo good.
5. eating blueberries for the first time
6. The thumb is a very significant part of eating. It some how makes everything taste so much better
7. Playing with a paper camera
8. Just looking cute
9. Kissing mirror
10. saying dada
11. playing piano and singing

There is nothing cuter than dogs and babies in the same photo!
the videos are so cute.
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