This weekend was Kaelyn's first venture out on the boat. She was such a trooper and slept through the whole thing. She even slept through getting that bulky life vest on. The outing was quite an adventure for Kevin and I though. Kevin had several people from work out with us plus a couple of our friends. As many well know, we have had some very strange weather around here lately and yes, it decided to storm on us. Not just rain, but storm. Fortunatly, Kevin had already dropped Kaelyn and I off on the shore when it all hit, but everyone spent a great deal of time bundled up in the cars before it all passed. One couple stayed out on the boat during the ordeal, whick turned out to be a great miracle for us. Reason being, the anchor did not hold on the boat, and they were able to drive the boat around during the storm to keep it off shore. After the storm passed, we cooked up some buffalo hot dogs and hamburgers. It cooled off pretty good, hence Kaelyn all bundled up in her stroller. She slept straight through that as well. So, that is her first adventure with mom and dad in the boat.

I'm glad you guys were safe! Sounds like fun other than the crazy weather!
Wow yea I know it keeps raining so much. She is so cute in the life vest. She is such a angel.
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