Friday, April 27, 2007

Dr.'s appointment at 37 weeks

Well, today I had a Dr.'s appointment that was very positive. I am off of my medication now and things are going well so far. Dr said that I am now 1 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and Kaelyn is at -1 station. I know that that is jibberish to most people, but it means that things are progressing along. It does not mean that she is coming in any certain amount of time, but just that things are setting themselves up well. We will just have to wait and see when she decides to make her arrival. It is becoming more and more real that any day now we will have a little one to take care of. YEAH!! Pray that all will go smoothly and that Kevin will be able to enjoy the time and not have to worry about chaos at work. That Kaelyn will come at a good time and that deliveries will get to where they need to be at the right time. God is good, so I know that He will take care of us. I hope and pray that we can and will enjoy every moment. God bless you all!! We will keep you updated.


Amanda Fortney said...

Yea! So exciting!

Erin and Nathan said...

We're so excited for you guys! The pics are so fun. I know you guys will be awesome parents! Enjoy these next couple of weeks, and praise God for being past 37 weeks!!!

Allison said...

Where is this baby! I can't wait!