So far, there is no food that Kaelyn has turned down yet. She has tried bananas, pears, apples, peas, and sweet potatoes. We will try carrots next. I bet she really loves the sweet fruit we have been feeding her. She certainly lets us know how much she loves them with her cute giggles and her screaming when it is all gone.
One thing that we just do not understand. About 95% of people that see us at a store or out and about come up and say "Oh what a cute little boy". They say this even if she is dressed in pink or a dress. I don't get it. So, we started putting berets in her hair. She looks so pretty. Someday this will all change I am sure. She would make a pretty handsome boy though cause she looks so much like her daddy, but she is our beautiful girl.
Kaelyn has definitely become a momma's girl, and if momma isn't in the room then she wants daddy instead of anyone else. It is so fun that she loves us so much. She knows her parents well.
Well, check back soon.

Babies in diapers are so precious
I am a girl, I promise

Daddy's trying to get me to walk already
I was making daddy said cause I wanted mommy
She is so precious! I'm so glad you're enjoying her so much. Just wait, it gets more fun every month. I have the exact opposite problem you have-everyone thinks Eli is a girl. I think it is probably because of his long hair. :)
My sister Hayley was mistaken for a boy at an older age, around middle school, because she had a short boy-ish mom gave her permission to get her ears pierced earlier than the family-rule age 13, and deemed it "ok" (to an extent) to give a little sass when called a boy. People sure felt sheepish when they said something to her, and got 4 girls laughing at them in reply :)
Kaelyn is precious! She is just growing up so fast. There are so many milestones right at once at this age, it's so much fun!
Don't worry, all people automatically just think "boy" when they see a baby, especially if the baby has little we girls are born with pig-tails, ya know?! I don't think Lucy looks very masculine, especially with long curls wearing hot pink...but people STILL ask, do you have a boy or a girl!!! That was even just 2 months ago!!! I'm like, HELLO?! She has earrings and a bracelet and is wearing pink with golden ringlets?! People are just silly. Kaelyn is such a pretty little girl, no mistaking that and no bows needed.
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