Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's a........!!!!!

As many of you know, today was the big day. We got to find out what we are having. It was a great experience. We went for a full hour long ultrasound today and got to check in on every organ and bone. Everything looked beautifully made. Throughout the last half hour of the ultrasound, we kept trying to check in on the sex of our little one, but the little one did not want to reveal anything. Finally after being turned partly upside down, we got the news. It's a GIRL!!! They snapped the pic and she covered herself right back up. She's going to be a modest one I guess (YEAH!!) Check out her beautiful pics.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Growing Belly

I thought it was time to put up a couple of pictures of this growing baby belly. It is taking some time to pop out there, but that is all good. The little one has been wiggling around in there and all seems to be going great. I have finally been able to start weaning off of my anti-throwup meds and am very happy about that. Still a little nausea here and there, but oh well, it is a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. I am 17 weeks today and on Wednesday we get to find out what we are having. YEAH!!!

3 months

4 months

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Is it a Boy or a Girl?

Well, we went to the Dr. today and got to hear the little heart ticking away. It is such a good sound. Momma is feeling much better thanks to modern medicine (Zofran, my dream come true), and has even regained 2 lbs. At the appointment we set up our ultrasound where we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. It is going to be December 13th at 10am. Wow, it is amazing to believe that we can already get to find that out. 5 weeks away and little Germann will be 18 weeks old. So, in celebration of that event, Kevin and I would love for you all to cast your vote, so leave a comment and let us know what you think this little one is going to be. You have a little time to ponder. We are so excited!!! Adios for now.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Due Date

Little baby Germann is due to enter the world on May 18, 2007. That puts the little one at 11 weeks as of yesterday, (Friday). The little one has been making mommy pretty sick and giving daddy a good look at what women have to go through in order to bring children into this world. Mommy has started feeling better the last couple of days, and is oh so happy about that. Now, it is time to begin putting on a few pounds instead of losing them. Daddy has been very cordial and helpful, fending for himself for dinner and being good and patient with a tired, sick mommy. We are so excited and ready to enjoy each step of the process.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Well, in light of the new blessings in the Germann household, we had to make a new page to commemorate. So, we have now started our little Germann page. Please check it out as often as possible. We will do our best to keep it up to date. We love you all!!! Thanks for keeping up with us.