So, adventures in toddlerhood continue. This week, Kaelyn has discovered how to pull her earrings out of her ears. It has to hurt, but she thinks it is quite a game. I on the other hand have been quite frustrated by having to search for earrings around the house. The studs that she originally got were supposed to kind of lock so it was more tricky to just pull out. Well, it seemed to start when I had accidentally knock one out when I pulled off her shirt (ouch). Didn't bother her, but she like the idea of mommy putting it back in (means there is a way to make it come out). So, then the game began. At nap time I started to find missing earrings. Put them back in thinking not too much of it and then I couldn't find one yesterday. I knew it had to be around her bed somewhere because they were in her ears when I put her down and not when I get her up. No site of it at all. I asked her if she put it in her mouth and she nodded her head yes. Then I asked her if she ate it and again a head nod. Well, I asked my friend Amy about what she would suggest and she said to get earrings with screw on backs. I had never heard of them before. I wasn't going to put her other earrings back in incase she ate more, but we had to do something quick so that her holes wouldn't grow back in (easily done at this age). So, off to the mall we went today. We tried several places and things were just too expensive. Then, Kaelyn pottyed in her pants, so off to the Sears potty we went and then asked about their earrings. We found some for a good price, bought them, and went home. Put them in her ears, put her in bed, and then a few minutes later heard her say "uhoh". Went in there and the earring was out, put it back in because it seemed that I didn't put the back on well, it was a little messed up. I figured if it came out again, we would just take them back and get some more expensive ones. Well, a few minutes later I decided to go in and check on her and both earrings were out and one was in her mouth. The cubic zirconium was gone and the gold stud was chewed up. Well, there went the idea of taking them back.
We got a call a bit later saying that someone had found my wallet in Sears. Wow, didn't even know it was missing, but back to the mall I go and decided to go ahead and get the better earrings that she had no chance of taking off herself. Got my wallet back with all of the cash missing. I had all of my cards, but felt the need to cancel the cards as well. You never know what someone can do with just numbers. So, and expensive day to say the least. Then Kaelyn finally pooped and there was an earring back. Still have two missing studs though, so we will wait for the next set of poop. Oh the joys of parenthood. If you ever have to dig through poop, I suggest putting it in a plastic bag that you can see through. That way you never have to actually touch it until you find what you are looking for.