In preparation for my sister moving in, we got to get toys in a few rounds. We set up all of our little people toys with Christin's and Kaelyn had fun playing with them all together. She looks like such a big girl.
I finally got a rod handle put on this horsey that she got for her birthday. She can now almost climb up on it herself.
Here is the progression of Kaelyn trying to dress herself. Too cute.
Look mom, I did it. They are on.
The other day, I decided to get my jewelry box out and have some fun with Kaelyn. She quite enjoyed it. She was very serious about the process though of trying things on and taking them off.
She even had her tongue a bit out like her daddy does when he thinks hard. Hehe
My precious daughter looked so clean cut and sharp the other day, so I had to take some pictures. Isn't she just beautiful!!!
Or maybe just really silly
Oh, how about this face mommy!!
A picture shoot is never complete with out the thumb in the mouth.
When Kevin came home two weekends ago, Kaelyn was soooo happy to see him. She had had enough of mean mommy and wanted some daddy love. Mommy has had to do some disciplining lately with our cute stubborn daughter. Here, Kaelyn is helping daddy fix his computer. I am so glad that he knows what he is doing. Smart man I will have to say.
After he got it all fixed up, Kaelyn decided she wanted in on the action again and played some WOW for daddy.
Kevin gave Kaelyn a bath while I did dishes and he gave her a bubble bath. She quite enjoyed the experience of bubbles all over her.
Does this look good daddy?
Oh, how pretty, shoulder bubbles.
This cute car has become quite a means of conflict between mother and daughter. It was another toy that my sister brought over. Once Kaelyn discovered it, she didn't want to get out of it. "cah, cah, cah!!!" Every time she saw it, she would scream for it. One time I had it out in the garage and she started sayin cah cah, and I was thinking yah, we are getting in the car. Then when I put her in her car seat, she started screaming. As I closed the door I noticed what she wanted. We were headed to church and didn't have time to play and she was made. She cried so hard the whole way to church that she was gasping. This was not the only time. When we have something we need to do and she wants in the car, she will run to it as fast as she can and cling to it. It is so cute, yet so frustrating. So, now the car is in a closet where she has no idea of its whereabouts. It will only come out while she is napping so she doesn't know how it came back out.
Here she is being a little sassy
"on, on, on" She is trying to turn on the music button. It was getting so obnoxious, that I unplugged it so I can control the noise a bit. We get to enjoy it sometimes.
Another funny story. Kaelyn was having a ball getting on and off of her potty, but first she would stick her panties in the potty, sit on it, reach in and pull the panties out and then laugh. She repeated this process about 15 times before I stepped out for a moment. When I came back, she had climbed in the above car and peed and pooped in it. So much for the potty serving its purpose. By the way, the potty trying is still going fair. We catch about half these days. It at least saves on the laundry and diapers.
Such a silly cute game.
Sleeping Beauty.
I love getting in mommy's cabinets.
Look what I found.
Shake shake shake.
That's all for now, hope you enjoyed.