Our cutie pie just had her 2 month check up and is doing just fabulous. She weighs in at a whopping 12 lbs 14 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. Right on target. The Dr. says that she is super smart and doing things that he would expect from a 4 month old. That's our girl. She holds her head so well and has even rolled over twice. She can stand with us just holding her hands and she is so very alert and social. We couldn't be happier. She did have to get two shots though and certainly was not happy about them. She did not breath between the shots either. Poor thing. Mommy got into her PICU mode and was able to handle it just fine, but then gave her baby lots of loves. Every step in this mothering process is going to make her an even better and compassionate nurse for sure. Update on the tummy issues she was having earlier: we got her started on gripe water and also discovered that she has either a sensitivity or allergy to milk and so I cut out milk from my diet, and she is a whole new baby. It was a night and day difference. The gripe water aside from helping with tummy aches and gas works wonders on hiccups. It will stop them on contact. All that together makes for a much happier baby. God has been so good to us. She is still sleeping through the night and so much more playful during the day.
Kaelyn went swimming for the first time last week and seemed to love it. She probably stayed in for 15 minutes and only got out cause we didn't want her in the sun too long. Here cousins were having fun too. Caroline was going to town and sticking her face in the water. She was splashing all around. Anna was a lot more timid and was easing into the water. She would cry any time water got on her face. She did have fun though, so that was progress from the last few weeks of her saying she didn't want to go swimming.
Last week Kaelyn and I went to the zoo with a couple of friends from work and their cute kiddos. Kaelyn was such a good girl and finally had her first experience of riding in her stroller awake. The weather was perfect at first and then got really hot (a first for this summer for sure). I hadn't gotten to see much of the zoo in a long time and was amazed at what all they have done to it. We will be going often now for sure. Cute Shelby liked petting the donkey and playing at the park. After it got too hot, Kristin and her kiddos went home and Mary and Brody came over and played at our house for a little while. It was fun to catch up with our friends and enjoy a good time.
Today, we had a bunch of fun playing at the spraygrounds at Macklenburg Park. We went with several community groups from our church and had a blast. Kaelyn seemed to like the water pretty well. She only cried once playing in the water because she got water on her face. She also cried when we got her out of the water and dried off. Hopefully she will turn out to be a water baby. Kaelyn cute friend Evie was there, and they had a good time together. Evie did not like the water though. It was a nice time getting to know a few other young couples in the church. We feel very blessed to be in this place. God has been very good to us.
Kaelyn Loves bathtime very much and is starting to play with the water. She usually is unhappy when she has to get out though. This is her in her cute bunny towel.
For the 4th of July, we went over to Nathan and Lisa Koehn's house and had Hamburgers and dessert and played with their cute new puppy, Roxie. She had been very sick, but is much better now. And of course we played with Ellie. Then, we all came back to our house and shot of some fireworks and watched several shows from around the city from our deck. It was a very nice time. Our puppies were scared to death of the fireworks though, so Ringo hung out in the laundry room after he darted in the door and would not budge. Cute puppies. Kaelyn loves being outside, and enjoyed watching the fireworks. She was very tired though and would cry bunches when taken back inside. We all had a good time.
This is how mommy and Kaelyn get the grocery shopping done. Sometimes she likes it and sometimes she doesn't. It is fabulous when she is sleeping, but if she is hungry, it is torture for the both of us. Cheap and comfy mode of transportation and comfort.
Kaelyn and Colton had a fun play date today. Heather and Colton came down from Shawnee and the kiddos spent their time eating and sleeping and making cute noises while us mommies took a stroll around the mall and had some lunch. It was so nice to get out of the house for awhile and to talk baby things with a friend. Our kiddos are so close together which makes it a lot of fun, yet so different in how they are growing and changing. It is so interesting to see how God pieces these little people together and how unique and special they are.