Yeah!!! We are on the home stretch!! Third trimester, here we come. This last month has been interesting and fun. I went in to take my sugar test for gestational diabetes and failed the first test. This meant that I had to go in for a second test that lasts 3 hours. You have to drink this yucky sugary stuff on an empty stomach (12 hrs without food) and then get your blood drawn at that beginning and every hour for 3 hours. I went in for the test and sat there for 45 minutes with that stuff sitting on my stomach and failed to keep it down. This meant that I had to come back on another day, drink the stuff again and see if we can make it through. I was able to take some medicine to keep me from upchuking though, so we made it through the next time. I ended up passing the test and do not have gestational diabetes. Praises, praises!! I am going to be a little more careful about how much sugar I consume though because I was a bit borderline. At least no testing my blood sugar for the rest of my pregnancy.
Well, we did end up finalizing on a name for our beautiful baby girl. We have decided to share it too. Kaelyn Elizabeth!!! We love it. Kaelyn means pure and Elizabeth means consecrated to God.
So, our little Kaelyn is still squirming about a bunch and starting to make mommy's tummy take on lots of new shapes. So cool!! Everything is becoming more and more real. Her room is taking on new shape too. We have finished making the bumpers and and diaper holder. Still many things left to do, progress has been made. When I get it finished, I will post some pics.
This mommy is also having a tough time not buying tons of things for her daughter. Baby things are just irresistable. I am trying to hold out though for after baby showers that will be here before I know it.
Getting around is becoming more and more of a chore and working nights has been taking a toll on me, so my boss has been very gracious and let me cut back on hours and working at night so much. What a relief. We also have worked out a better plan for after maternity leave. I will not be stuck on nights anymore. I can work any shift where there is a need and as many hours as I decide. Yeah!!! God is so good.
Daddy update!! He is getting more and more excited as Kaelyn gets bigger. It makes it all more real that she has a name now. He is also doing a great job ensuring that mommy and baby get their rest and eat well.
Here are a couple of pictures at 28 weeks.